Monday, June 18, 2018

Day 2: Chocolate Tour and Science

Link to google folder with trip pictures.  Check everyday!

Hello everyone back home! It's Nicole and LeAnn providing you with today's update.
As the title suggests, this morning we had a chocolate tour. Where we learned about the *pure* chocolate making process. We got to learn about the history of chocolate making, in which the cacao plant originated in South America and the progression of the use of chocolate. We got to try the original hot chocolate which consisted of water, cacao beans, chili spice, sugar, salt, and OG vanilla. We got to try 74% and 82% chocolate which consisted of only cacao and sugar. It was very rich in flavor and creamy texture. It's very different from the chocolate we eat in America.

Later in the afternoon we walked to the pulpouria (an all purpose store the size of a single car garage) during our down time. We got the chance to buy treats which were very refreshing. Some of the treats were items we have never even heard of before. It was fairly interesting to look over what Mrs. Leland bought from the store. Whether they are good or not we will have to see for tomorrow. We also did a hike through the rain forest before we went to the store. The view we got to see were absolutely amazing. We got to walk through a small river at a narrow bend. Nicole almost fell... multiple times, as did other people (namely LeAnn). The ranch doggos followed us on the hike, which make us feel very special and it was very cute.

Oh and we actually did some science later as well (I promise we are using your monies $$$ 😚worth)!! We learned and studied over microbes and are making cultures as we speak. We used the the scientific method (the universal language of science (ciencias en espanol)) to create a experiment. In the experiment we made a variety of hypotheses revolving around the presence, or lack there of, of microbial bacteria and fungi (but they're not very funny guys...get it?) (((MEME IT UP))). Each group got to create their own experiment with their own hypothesis. We are currently waiting for our cultures to grow up in our special-fancy room temperature incubator (aka a plastic box). This is a very enticing experience and we cannot wait for moarz👍💪😜. 

PS we're kind tired sooooooooooo,
PPS half of LeAnn's hand is swoll 💪😩 but it's fineeeeeeee. (I'm honestly completely fine). 

Goodnighty night~ th3 g00cci g@ng

LeAnn and Nicole's masterpiece

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